Old Native Business

Exportador, Importador y Distribuidor

Ib. Ham Bellota

Better known as "Pata Negra" this ham is considered the best ham in the world.

This ham comes from Iberian pig meat and the maturation process has been carried out slowly and naturally, which gives it a sweet and delicate flavour. The fat melts in the mouth releasing its flavours, with an infinity of nuances. It will the delight of the most demanding gourmet.

The pigs are raised in freedom. Due to the exercise and their feeding based on acorns (about 600-800 kg / animal), a fusion between the fat of the animal and its meat is created, which is an indispensable condition to obtain a much tasty product and is a prerequisite fora a genuine Iberian ham.

The ham is cured at least 24 months, 48 months optimally.



(100g to 120g)


(from 4.5 to 6 kg) 

Iberian Ham BLOCK

(from 2 to 3 kg)

Iberian Ham (leg)

